Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Lost and Found

Yesterday, I wrote a piece on youth and enthusiasm versus age and experience in an office environment. Thought it was quite philosophical looking at both ends of the spectrum and giving an insight into how each end gets played by management.
Today I logged on to my serious blog to check the entry and guess what….it’s not there, so I have obviously done something wrong Looking back I did not keep a copy.(No 1 lesson for self).
On a more positive note I have learnt to adjust my settings so anyone can post comment…. big thanks to lihorney for letting me know the settings were preventing comments.
No wonder I felt like billy no mates! Lol

I have spent a lot of time composing a letter of complaint to my credit card company for being over cautious in their fraud protection, to the point where they phone me up or write to me asking if I have spent £20.00 in the local supermarket and have even cancelled an order because they cannot contact me to ensure it was me making the purchase. Forgive me but what’s the point of the card if you cannot use it?

Tonight I go to my Valhalla, yes the gym again. This time I might manage more than four pull up’s at the end of the hours session lol.
I have found that having an MP3 is a great way to ignore the other ‘I think I am it’ men who prance up and down eyeing themselves in the mirror. Most of them probably would not know what a supinated grip is if you asked. Shame, they would probably find it useful, swinging form the bars lol.
Upstairs is less of a testosterone charged atmosphere, but there are no free weights.. only machines, so I try and do the bulk downstairs (time and equipment availability permitting).
A mixed gym is better cos us men tend to want to show off to the ladies…lets face it we all breathe in the Homer Simpson belly when there’s eye candy about. lol
Having used a stomach crunch-machine, with up to 40 k loaded, for a consistent period I have given up on the six pack. I will always have a little bit of spare flesh, so I am now of the opinion that I need to get the arms and shoulders as big as possible to get that tapered appearance.
There is a Abs class, but the instructor is a lady and to tell you the truth I am actually quite shy about turning up to a class that might be full of women. It’s a mixture of feeling out numbered, possibly being the center of attention or resisting staring open mouthed at the fit ones…..maybe I’ll join the other members of the troupe on the bars instead lol.

If there is anyone I think of as a model of fitness it’s the bloke doing the scores on the vid of Mason versus Princess Superstar –perfect, apart form the fact that he is bald, that is.
Baldness and having no neck should only be inflicted on bouncers (Aka Doormen, (Door people-pc version)), white van drivers and Birmingham City supporters/ hooligans.

As you can probably guess the other interests in my life are music, particularly dance music but with a very eclectic taste. To give you some idea of the diversity the CD’s in the car are Red Hot Chillies, Johnny Cash and Dance Compilations. I often question why I like dance music so much, perhaps it’s just the energy, maybe it’s the dancers, then again I do like River dance perhaps it’s legs, yes that’ll be it my favourite part of the female anatomy, legs.
Sorry, I seem to have digressed into one of my therapy sessions and it’s time I called it a day before I get too excited. …or need to go to confession lol


Anonymous said...

hello glad you got it fixed, just to let you know it's ok to go into womens classes at the gym, just not yoga. Everyone will think you drink herbal tea and your whimpy, trust me on this one.

Red Hot Chillies said...

Thanks for your comment.
Oh I trust you there.
Never fancied contorting my body into strange positions, picture the yellow pages advert with James Nesbitt falling over, then needing a chiropractor- that would be me lol