Thursday, 31 May 2007

My short blog for today

Woke late this morning, needed sleep after Gym, tea, a bottle of red and a bit of bed time passion.
As morning go I was more awake than usual, though I did stay and watch ‘sticky toffee thomas’ (Thomas the Tank Engine) before going to work.
There is something about Ringo star’s voice that is just perfect for the narration.

I must admit to being a bit of a fan of childrens television programmes. A lot more interesting than the Adult ones in the main, also better made.

What’s more likely is , cos I am not a morning person, is the level of intellectual stimulation is about right for me lol.

It’s easy for me to suspend disbelief, but one series of adult entertainment that had me gripped was ‘Life on Mars’. For anyone who grew up in the 1970’s it is just so representative of the attitudes of the times. Brillant well made and much missed.

A sad indictment is that if I divided my life between, work, sleep ,watching television, exercise and engaging in civilised conversation I begin to realise how little I engage others in meaningful exchange.
Good job I have this blog to air the odd thought or two.
Perhaps tomorrow I will have something of more substance to share, until then take care.

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