Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Bank Holiday, Birds and all that Sh.....

Oh what a Bank Holiday, four days off work & stuck indoors cos of the rain,with a mensurating wife and a moody teenage daughter lol.
Friday Night My o/h took exception to me not getting the daughter to come back down stairs after an exchange between the two. As bad as each other, I thought separatrion and sleep might calm the mood. My o/h viewed this as my taking sides and I got the cold shoulder. All I wanted was some peace, so I ended up apologising on Saturday morning, which restored order.
Doing a few odd jobs when o/h shouts to come in to kitchen with an exclamation that our cats were playing with "something" under the kitchen units. Should explain here that there are no plinths fitted, cos we needed floor tiling first.Investigation found a live, fledgling Bluetit.Rescued the poor blighter from the torment of being the cats latest toy, found old hamster three storey cage and deposited bird, after checking condition. Seemed chirpy enough but wounded under wing. Search of internet then ensues for help on caring for "Tom" as my wife christened him.Spent rest of day doing some odd jobs, looking out at rain and checking on "Tom".Temporarily housed in Bedroom, away from errant cats being able to reach.
Got sent to the Gym for being "doppy" which is not surprising considering I did not sleep too well and got woke early by a chirpy Tom.The gym was quiet...oh the number of times I have wished for this....easy access to everything..but that vital factor aka 'energy' was missing, so I put in a satisfactory performance before showering and going home. Quick bacon sandwich and cup tof tea before going to local shops to look for some live meal worms. Only found dried ones but did amange to get a packet of small bird mixed feed. Felt quite excited at the thought that we might be able to get Tom back to health and let him go. Another 'chill out' day cos of the weather being dull and depressing.
Finally managed to get something done. I emusioned the new utility area with a base coat of white. Took me two hours but I felt that somethingf has been achieved and the Bank Holiday is not a total waste. Infact I feel like I have some self esteem back for that.Today ended on a sad note. Tom was not taking any food and given that they are supposed to eat every two hours, it is not surprising that wefound Tom taking his final breath's. Our conslation is that he is not suffering any longer, nor did he die in the wet and cold outside.Made Tom a bio-degrable coffin (aka cardborad and masking tape).
OMG is that the sun....yes yes, quick lets get out there a do something.Made o/h breakfast, only egg and soldiers but hey...I did eggs just right for a change lol.Went to Evesham to do an errand and visited Garden center and the Country park on way back. Then Home, in time for daughters departure back to barracks. As she drives her car off cannot help feeling proud that she is becoming independant, has good friends but still remains a typical teenage at times.We went out for lunch follwed by collecting a few bags of manure for garden. Yes.... I know the two activites do not fit very well together but given the weather for past few day's it's a case of making hay whilst sun shines. I forgoe Tuesday Gym visit and do some weights at home.Think lifting 6-7 sacks of wet manure, negotiating it into a garden, down a flight of stairs to the final resting place sufficient exercise for one day. The sacks felt like body bags and you have no idea how hard I prayed that they did not burst en-route.Buried Tom on the evening.....sad as I am to see him in the ground I realise that his arrival and departure had an impact upon an other wise dismal and uneventful few day's. Lets hope the cats stick to the usual suspects..the odd mouse, bank vole or occasional rat.
Back to work tommorow...... but still a short week for me.
Take care until next post.

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