Thursday, 24 May 2007

Opinions,Rlationships and Ageism

Firstly, I have to take back any thoughts I had about going to see Pam Ayres. Despite being the youngest members of the audience we thought she was very good.Her act was a bit of a mixture of poetry and tales, reflecting on life and experiences. Like most good stories/jokes it's not the content but the delivery that provides the entertainment . Some of the material centered around age and retirement. One story, I thought amusing , related to a friend who's husband had recently retired. Normally, the husband worked in London and stayed over three nights a week ,so the lady had buildt up a social circle around playing Tennis. Now the husband has retired he feels compelled to comment whenever the lady get's ready to go out fto meet her tennis friends, with a remark that makes his dissapproval known. I am far from nearing retirement, but I also get this type of reaction when I get my things rerady to go to the gym. It might not be a comment , maybe just a sulking face and silence, but it still has an effect.
It does not take much to make me feel guilty ,occasionally I give in to this emotional blackmail, promising myself that I will go the next day instead. The tale made me think about this aspect of relationships and how we all seek approval. Still it's good to hear that it's not just me then.....anyone else experiencing same?
Relationships are strange things and I try to increase my E.I. and keep an open mind. What I have learnt is that I need lots of attention/ love to stroke my ego and hence my feeling of self esteem. I admire socially confident people, like my O/H , she could make friends anywhere.
I am also starting to question my opinions of people though, as I observed the strutting peacock of gym training with his son. Yes, he is a show off, but he seemed less arrogant encouraging his offspring. Maybe I was resentful of his confidence or is that I realise it's a front he put's on for 'the lads' . Underneath he might also think his form less than ideal.
Now before this gets all deep and philisophical.....................................................................................
We are thin on the ground today so I have been knuckling down to keep the work flowing. The other side of the office had a meeting in the morning leaving only three of us in an office of 20. I had a rare chance to have a quick chat with my boss who, despite being a Liverpool fan, was not sulking!Actually I have to admit he is the most reasonable, down to earth nice guy I have ever worked for.Our conversation revolved around how, despite the failings of this organisation, there are advantages too. Life here ,despite being boring, is better than many other places. We resolve that keeping your head down and getting on with the job is probably the best course for survival, at least for now.
The good news for me is that being busy gets me closer to the end of the day and that gym. When I get there the story might be different though, still need to feel that I am making a difference. I know how to vary my exercises to promote growth, access to the equipment sometimes impedes that though.
Instead of the dance music I had Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Stadium Arcaduim on in the car. Wonder if the kid's going to school heard the music then looked for a car with a younger
Funny how age is only visible on the outside..never feel older on the inside.... ......
o.k parties over time to knuckle back down.

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