If I had anything decent to say about last night it was tea was over quickly. I had one of those oppressive thunder storm headaches but still managed to do a few domestic chores.
Dropped a nearly full jar of Hot Salsa dip over the kitchen floor, smashed to bits. Proves operating under parr. Happens when I am not well, get clumsy and knock things or miss co-ordinate. Infact it’s one of the clues picked up on that something is not right.
Thankfully took a few pain killers (4 cans larger), not as instant as the parathingy’s, but more fun.
Restless night waking several times, not least by the birds singing and having some strange dreams.
Mr Blue Sky
Where indeed did we go wrong?
I am now of the opinion that moaning about the weather is doing no good, so like a politican, we must put a positive spin on the whole rain thing.
So “We had a very welcome drop of rain today and even the odd rumble of thunder to remind us that a cold front actually met a warm front.
Dropped a nearly full jar of Hot Salsa dip over the kitchen floor, smashed to bits. Proves operating under parr. Happens when I am not well, get clumsy and knock things or miss co-ordinate. Infact it’s one of the clues picked up on that something is not right.
Thankfully took a few pain killers (4 cans larger), not as instant as the parathingy’s, but more fun.
Restless night waking several times, not least by the birds singing and having some strange dreams.
Mr Blue Sky
Where indeed did we go wrong?
I am now of the opinion that moaning about the weather is doing no good, so like a politican, we must put a positive spin on the whole rain thing.
So “We had a very welcome drop of rain today and even the odd rumble of thunder to remind us that a cold front actually met a warm front.
The resulting precipitation of hale destroyed any blossom on the runner beans, meaning we will not have to go out and pick any for the foreseeable future.
Instead we will rely on the overpriced Tesco variant and whilst instore succumb to purchasing ‘loss leaders’ maintaining the hard earned profits of an egalitarian employer”.
Cerne Abbas homage

Cerne Abbas homage

The locals are up in arms about an 180ft Homer Simpson painted next ot the Cerne Abbas giant. Which is more offensive, a club wielding giant with a stiffy or Homer in pants, cluthching a doughnut?
Both are forms of visual art but it’s unlikely young ladies will be wanting to sit on the image of Homers pants in an attempt to get pregnant.
Both are forms of visual art but it’s unlikely young ladies will be wanting to sit on the image of Homers pants in an attempt to get pregnant.
Two Pints
Watched a repeat last night, the coloured lass was so funny. She had to climb through a window or a supposedly possessed pub and remarked she did not want to snag her tights cos “ That would be almost embarrassing as the time I pooted during my smear test”. Lol
This afternoons meeting is going to be exciting not, chaired by someone who likes the sound of own voice and I am taking minutes. As has been said ‘I got the short straw’. Oh I so hope I get to the gym tonight, need the endorphine rush to kick mwe outta the depression of being stuck in office.
Watched a repeat last night, the coloured lass was so funny. She had to climb through a window or a supposedly possessed pub and remarked she did not want to snag her tights cos “ That would be almost embarrassing as the time I pooted during my smear test”. Lol
This afternoons meeting is going to be exciting not, chaired by someone who likes the sound of own voice and I am taking minutes. As has been said ‘I got the short straw’. Oh I so hope I get to the gym tonight, need the endorphine rush to kick mwe outta the depression of being stuck in office.
‘Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire’ (Winston Churchill)
Let's dance (David Bowie)
Wish me luck, I have had far far more promising afternoons than the one ahead.
Take Care
I agree we should be more positive about the weather - I think it's great that there is loads of cloud around - because I get to see a pig with wings smokin a joint whist riding a tandom with a 9 legged octopus - not something you see on a sunny blue sky day.
I'm loving the Homer Simpson thing!! He may not boost womens fertility but he's still a big prick! - lol
Don't work too hard
Chrissy - x
Love your blog. Thanks for your comment on mine. I know I shouldn't let work get me down, and I'm lucky really not to have other worries.
Hey R4 is you on oliday? where you gone to friend missing your blog on life! x
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