Monday, 16 July 2007

Bus Driver, BHD and flies


Friday night’s are either a celebration of the weekend or like last Friday an over – tired stare out the window at crap weather and feeling that it’s not going to be a fun one. Silly me, should realise by now that tiredness leaves one susceptible to low morale.

Thankfully Saturday was fine so after delivering nearly 500 papers between us we sat in garden with small barbecue. Two Chilli and Garlic sausages purchased form Local Butcher and a few beverages.
After the barbecue used coals for fire in couldron (old style barbecue made of cast iron, brill for having small fires) and put some music on.
Sat outside till o/h decided she would take herself to bed (only 8 O’Clock), so made sure fire was out and all cats were in before I went .
Funny but there’s always one you cannot find and after spending a good half hour whistling and calling their name, get fed up and go indoors to find there already in. …..sure they hide just to play me up lol.

Sunday did breakfast and watched telly before going to Gym. The place was packed cos there was this kids football event going on.. Ice Cream van, bouncy castle and tons vehicles in car par. Kid’s were covered waste deep in mud and it was chucking it down, proud parents huddled under umbrella’s to cheer their offspring secretly wondering how they will get them home without turning the car into a mud bath. Oh the joy of being a parent lol.

Returned home to a pile of ironing before lunch then getting ready for B’day party. Picked friends up and drove into Birmingham to find the club. It was not a bad party, the people were friendly and although I did not know many of them had a good afternoon/ evening. Had my first taste of ‘Rice and Pea’s’ with home made curried goat. We left at 10:30 to take our friends back before going home.

Had a couple of cider’s before bed (designated driver) , by 1 a.m. I was out like a light.

On reflection weekends are over all too quickly …. not had time off since April….. could do with chillin out for a week in Sun. Maybe in September, when the kid’s are back in school…….too expensive at moment.

Pretty ‘Fly’ for a white Guy

There I am struggling to keep two bumdbells perched above my head, really trying to perform a good number of repitions
When this fly decides to ‘buzz ’me..backwards and forwards right infront of my face…. in a taunting ‘you can’t catch me’ way.
In no position to do bugger all if it landed on me and perspiring with the effort probably made matters worse.
Felt like charecter from Peanuts cartoon, the one who always carried a blanket and was surrounded by a dust cloud and flies. Embarrassed by the attention incase anyone thought it was a matter of personal hygiene…. moved on to a different area…me that is not the fly.Now I know where they got the exercise called the inclined fly lol

Your too sexy for my bus(t)

Most of us men would probably admire an attractive 20 yr old without making an issue of it, not this German bus driver.
Imagine the bus telling you to move, cos he can’t stop looking at your breasts and his employers backed him! As the question say's wonder how he would feel if tables were reversed.

BHD explained in Mathmatics

I always prefer to keep my hair shortish to avoid tufts, according to mathmatics here’s why they occur.
Given a tangential vector field on the surface of a sphere in three-dimensional space, there must be at least one point where the field is zero.

Try telling the hairdresser that!

In the absence of any decent humour from me today I draw attention to lihorney’s excellent piece containing ‘ Itchy and scratchy’ humour.

Talking of itchy here’s an HGH2 article on Allergic Feminie Reaction and it’s nothing to do with men!!!

Take Care

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