Friday, 6 July 2007

Bagging Experience, Freebie and Pigeons

We’ll I made it to the sanctuary , yet again left feeling it was mediocre session.
To be honest it’s often a yo-yo experience, there are day’s you want to go, after it’s over you feel like you have not done much. Other days you cannot be asked, but surprisingly, leave feeling lifted by a good performance.
It’s frustrating that one day you can lift a certain weight or perform an exercise with good form and another you struggle. I know the body needs at least 24hrs to recover, that’s why it’s good to mix it up and do cardio one day, weights another or concentrate on different areas on different day’s. The main frustration with that is access to the equipment, especially if you only go for an hour at a time.
Unless my shirts are shrinking in the wash, results are coming.. slowly. This week has also been healthier, more water, more sleep and only 2 glasses of wine since weekend.

O/h showed me an article from a girl’s magazine. It’s about people who spice up their sex lives by putting a bag over their head,whilst making love.
It appears that for some the isolation, anticipation of not knowing what the others doing and not seeing the others face is a turn on. There were three separate couples who confessed that they participated in this activity and I must admit that I can see what they mean, after all it’s like blindfolding, it just takes trust.
I am now wondering about the recent disappearance of a large number of extra large gusseted envelopes from the office. lol
Do you think we have a bagger in our midst?
Will let you know if I find anything out, as yet I have not had a discussion about the article with the ladies in the office.

After a career of 29 years and at least 5 employers I do a good line in sounding like I know what I am on about, occasionally I do and I amaze myself.
Despite not being as highly ranked as previously employed I am sometimes alarmed at the naivety of colleagues put in positions of responsibility.
The latest is that given a project schedule, people take it as gospel events will happen according to plan. Hello, big dose of reality, open wide and swallow.
On the other hand a little bit of ignorance protects the average employee from realising the actual reality those that captain the ship sometimes loose the compass.

Temping is useful way of learning about an organisation, without making a commitment. You owe the employer nothing and they owe you nothing. A mutual balance of respect, you know you will not be doing anything too interesting and they now that they cannot ask you to, “go the extra mile”. However, if you are a good temp and succumb to the offer of a full time postion you have a limited, the“window of respect *” to find an alternative employment source.
Once past the window you are effectively “ locked in” and seen as part of the furniture. If the employer has a problem you will become part of the solution, an expendable foot soldier. This might involve you doing extra duties for no financial reward.
The management lingo is “ Going the extra mile”, “getting a feather in the cap”or “demonstrating model employee behaviour”. Effectively you are past the point where you are in a position to bargain, as you have sold your services
. I once worked with a guy who had so many accrued and unrewarded accalaids I called him Cochise (full headdress of feathers). I don’t imply that you should not make an effort but that you should strike a balance, maintain the equilibrium.

*This is generally the period it takes for you to become so ingrained into the organisation that it is not financially viable for you to seek alternative employment.

One of the other team has given us all two Phillips small bayonet energy saving bulbs for home. They are being given out as part of a conservation thingy. One of the team (blond (forgive me lord, I know I am not perfect)) asked what they were for , so I put on to each ear and said it’s a the new idea’s scheme, you put one in each ear and when you have a bright idea they light up. lol
She laughed, so I got away with it.

Ever since I heard Blurs Park life I wondered what they meant by “intimidated by the pigeons”.
Now I know, a ruddy great specimen has just landed on a branch outside my window, turned round and plopped into the courtyard, before flying off.
He must have worked here in a previous life lol.

Alledgeldy it’s going to be a nice day tomorrow, so it’s outside, maybe a Barbie (BBQ not the doll though I could do good impression of ken lol), well see. The importance of getting outside cannot be stressed enough, as indicated in the article Happiness is right outside . The recent inclement weather is enough to make the most cheerful of us feel less than tip top.
Take Care


Chrissy said...

The person who first thought of 'Bagging' must have been shagging something pretty ugly on the eye. Perhaps this was invented before Viagra? I thought 'Bagging' was about a climax heightened by lack of oxygen? (I have to say I'm NOT talking from experience! I like my bags to be of the decorative kind to accompany an outft on a shopping trip, not a sex aid!)

Good entry!!
Chrissy - x

Anonymous said...

I always thought if you were shagging someone ugly you had alcohol first? I like the idea of bagging, if only I could find someone who was into this and had a shoe fetish I'd be sorted!!!(you bring the bags I'll provide the shoes)I hope you have fun weekend R4 take care...............X