Thursday, 31 May 2007

My short blog for today

Woke late this morning, needed sleep after Gym, tea, a bottle of red and a bit of bed time passion.
As morning go I was more awake than usual, though I did stay and watch ‘sticky toffee thomas’ (Thomas the Tank Engine) before going to work.
There is something about Ringo star’s voice that is just perfect for the narration.

I must admit to being a bit of a fan of childrens television programmes. A lot more interesting than the Adult ones in the main, also better made.

What’s more likely is , cos I am not a morning person, is the level of intellectual stimulation is about right for me lol.

It’s easy for me to suspend disbelief, but one series of adult entertainment that had me gripped was ‘Life on Mars’. For anyone who grew up in the 1970’s it is just so representative of the attitudes of the times. Brillant well made and much missed.

A sad indictment is that if I divided my life between, work, sleep ,watching television, exercise and engaging in civilised conversation I begin to realise how little I engage others in meaningful exchange.
Good job I have this blog to air the odd thought or two.
Perhaps tomorrow I will have something of more substance to share, until then take care.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Hobbies, Passtimes and Obsessions

Some ladies like shoes and Brantano's marketing people have picked up on this, equating the psychological aspect of the compulsion to purchase with a 'slingback synapse'.
They then attempt to link their founder with the likes of Carl Jueng and Freud. Good Marketing or Bad mistake?
Personally I hate the advert.

Putting the words psychology and shoe into a search gets some interesting results.

PsyBlog magazine
Radio One

Being a man, not having a clue what all the fuss is about, gives me comfort.
We tend to wear ours until they need replacement/ reach minimum tread depth.

"Never Judge another man until you have walked a mile in his shoes in his shoes” After that, you’re far enough away to say what the hell you like, he won't hear.

I wondered if we had other obsessions and if these are gender or age related. The most obvious for men would be football/ sport obsession, car obsession, fishing, D.I.Y etc.
What of men without a fixation, are they lacking or getting the attention that prevents other hobbies turning into obsessions?

Can blogging be an obsession?

Tonight I am due another visit to my obsession..... the gym.
Tomorrow I may blog again by then no doubt the world will be full of people with Big Brother obsessions.
Take Care

Bank Holiday, Birds and all that Sh.....

Oh what a Bank Holiday, four days off work & stuck indoors cos of the rain,with a mensurating wife and a moody teenage daughter lol.
Friday Night My o/h took exception to me not getting the daughter to come back down stairs after an exchange between the two. As bad as each other, I thought separatrion and sleep might calm the mood. My o/h viewed this as my taking sides and I got the cold shoulder. All I wanted was some peace, so I ended up apologising on Saturday morning, which restored order.
Doing a few odd jobs when o/h shouts to come in to kitchen with an exclamation that our cats were playing with "something" under the kitchen units. Should explain here that there are no plinths fitted, cos we needed floor tiling first.Investigation found a live, fledgling Bluetit.Rescued the poor blighter from the torment of being the cats latest toy, found old hamster three storey cage and deposited bird, after checking condition. Seemed chirpy enough but wounded under wing. Search of internet then ensues for help on caring for "Tom" as my wife christened him.Spent rest of day doing some odd jobs, looking out at rain and checking on "Tom".Temporarily housed in Bedroom, away from errant cats being able to reach.
Got sent to the Gym for being "doppy" which is not surprising considering I did not sleep too well and got woke early by a chirpy Tom.The gym was quiet...oh the number of times I have wished for this....easy access to everything..but that vital factor aka 'energy' was missing, so I put in a satisfactory performance before showering and going home. Quick bacon sandwich and cup tof tea before going to local shops to look for some live meal worms. Only found dried ones but did amange to get a packet of small bird mixed feed. Felt quite excited at the thought that we might be able to get Tom back to health and let him go. Another 'chill out' day cos of the weather being dull and depressing.
Finally managed to get something done. I emusioned the new utility area with a base coat of white. Took me two hours but I felt that somethingf has been achieved and the Bank Holiday is not a total waste. Infact I feel like I have some self esteem back for that.Today ended on a sad note. Tom was not taking any food and given that they are supposed to eat every two hours, it is not surprising that wefound Tom taking his final breath's. Our conslation is that he is not suffering any longer, nor did he die in the wet and cold outside.Made Tom a bio-degrable coffin (aka cardborad and masking tape).
OMG is that the sun....yes yes, quick lets get out there a do something.Made o/h breakfast, only egg and soldiers but hey...I did eggs just right for a change lol.Went to Evesham to do an errand and visited Garden center and the Country park on way back. Then Home, in time for daughters departure back to barracks. As she drives her car off cannot help feeling proud that she is becoming independant, has good friends but still remains a typical teenage at times.We went out for lunch follwed by collecting a few bags of manure for garden. Yes.... I know the two activites do not fit very well together but given the weather for past few day's it's a case of making hay whilst sun shines. I forgoe Tuesday Gym visit and do some weights at home.Think lifting 6-7 sacks of wet manure, negotiating it into a garden, down a flight of stairs to the final resting place sufficient exercise for one day. The sacks felt like body bags and you have no idea how hard I prayed that they did not burst en-route.Buried Tom on the evening.....sad as I am to see him in the ground I realise that his arrival and departure had an impact upon an other wise dismal and uneventful few day's. Lets hope the cats stick to the usual suspects..the odd mouse, bank vole or occasional rat.
Back to work tommorow...... but still a short week for me.
Take care until next post.

Friday, 25 May 2007

Friday feeling

I woke early again..cos the cats had not been put in the kitchen and the door closed last night. That's what you get from having a few drinks before bed time. Silly really, I was so tired I just wanted to hit the sack. My own worst enemey at times.
Gym session was good and I felt great but the endorphine rush soon wears off. Not addicted to going but need the occasional rush.

This is not going to be a long entry, I am sitting here trying to think of what to say, which is not good.
Lying awake at 6:30 ish this morning I was contemplating fashion Models; not in the sexual way. Just thinking how many of them I have seen on the Telly (Fashion TV) Cigarette in hand waiting behind the scene's having hair or make-up done. I ask myself why.Given many are blessed with a better than average figure why do they inflict their lungs and skin with noxious fumes.
Their choice I suppose, but you can't have everything and I guess they did not stand in the wisedom/ common sense queue.
Bank Holiday weekends almost here! I have the pleasure of four days with two ladies, my wife and my daughter who is back for weekend.
Hope the weather is good cos I sure need to get outside.

Maybe next week I will post a 'minority report' and let you know how it went lol.
Take care

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Opinions,Rlationships and Ageism

Firstly, I have to take back any thoughts I had about going to see Pam Ayres. Despite being the youngest members of the audience we thought she was very good.Her act was a bit of a mixture of poetry and tales, reflecting on life and experiences. Like most good stories/jokes it's not the content but the delivery that provides the entertainment . Some of the material centered around age and retirement. One story, I thought amusing , related to a friend who's husband had recently retired. Normally, the husband worked in London and stayed over three nights a week ,so the lady had buildt up a social circle around playing Tennis. Now the husband has retired he feels compelled to comment whenever the lady get's ready to go out fto meet her tennis friends, with a remark that makes his dissapproval known. I am far from nearing retirement, but I also get this type of reaction when I get my things rerady to go to the gym. It might not be a comment , maybe just a sulking face and silence, but it still has an effect.
It does not take much to make me feel guilty ,occasionally I give in to this emotional blackmail, promising myself that I will go the next day instead. The tale made me think about this aspect of relationships and how we all seek approval. Still it's good to hear that it's not just me then.....anyone else experiencing same?
Relationships are strange things and I try to increase my E.I. and keep an open mind. What I have learnt is that I need lots of attention/ love to stroke my ego and hence my feeling of self esteem. I admire socially confident people, like my O/H , she could make friends anywhere.
I am also starting to question my opinions of people though, as I observed the strutting peacock of gym training with his son. Yes, he is a show off, but he seemed less arrogant encouraging his offspring. Maybe I was resentful of his confidence or is that I realise it's a front he put's on for 'the lads' . Underneath he might also think his form less than ideal.
Now before this gets all deep and philisophical.....................................................................................
We are thin on the ground today so I have been knuckling down to keep the work flowing. The other side of the office had a meeting in the morning leaving only three of us in an office of 20. I had a rare chance to have a quick chat with my boss who, despite being a Liverpool fan, was not sulking!Actually I have to admit he is the most reasonable, down to earth nice guy I have ever worked for.Our conversation revolved around how, despite the failings of this organisation, there are advantages too. Life here ,despite being boring, is better than many other places. We resolve that keeping your head down and getting on with the job is probably the best course for survival, at least for now.
The good news for me is that being busy gets me closer to the end of the day and that gym. When I get there the story might be different though, still need to feel that I am making a difference. I know how to vary my exercises to promote growth, access to the equipment sometimes impedes that though.
Instead of the dance music I had Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Stadium Arcaduim on in the car. Wonder if the kid's going to school heard the music then looked for a car with a younger
Funny how age is only visible on the outside..never feel older on the inside.... ......
o.k parties over time to knuckle back down.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Under Parr

Woke at 4 a.m. with a purring and restless cat on the bed, incase she wanted litter tray took to kitchen and put her in with other cats before closing door and sneaking back to bed.I then lay there for the next two hours unable to get back to sleep, feeling rather sorry for myself(clue1). O/H severely rebuked me on two points last night1) Not locking back door knowing she was going out 2) Writing a sh** letter with bad grammar
Normally I would not have taken this to heart. Not locking the door was an oversight but I had taken time to compose,what I thought, was a decent letter of complaint. I did not rise to the comments at the time, thinking she might still be in pain from her tooth extraction/ stitches in gums (or even that it might be the onset of PMT given how she shouted and went red in face whilst I was sat next to her).My view was that the reaction was not in proportion to the eventsand therefore there must be some other reason for such an outburst.
As I have promised myself before I try and note what my body is telling me and last week should have given me an idea.I almost shed a tear when Len died on Emmerdale!(clue2) Now, before you go thinking I am gay I can assure you that I am not.
My O/H insists on watching the Soaps, I used to escape by washing up then the Dishwasher arrived, so no escape.
Although I have inhalers for asthma and suffer from hayfever, the Benydriyl did not prevent nasal congection to the extent that I snored and woke myself up(clue 3)
Monday's tea , the remains of Saturday's chinese takeaway was not suffucent and I have not eaten as much for lunch recently.I need to exceed 2500 calories per day if I am going to stay healthy and put my body through rip and burn sessions(clue3)
Last nights visit to Gym was dissapointing, I still feel that I can see no changes, despite my efforts. I had to use lighter weights on some exercises cos I felt I had no energy (Clue 4).
Have felt the need to go for a wee a lot in past two days, just thought it was drinking too much coffee and sediantry life(clue5)
Recent headaches I have attributed to the nasal congection and weather (clue6)
So what's it all about?
Well, I am not looking after myself and possibly suffering an infection, which my body is fighting without really winning.Meanwhile I make more demands on it, no wonder my emotions are not always under control!
Note to Self:1) Drink more water2) Eat properly3) Try and sleep the requisite 7-8 hrs4) Stop being a soft lad
On a lighter note we are off to our local theatre tonight to see Pam Ayres....she writes poetry and comic rhymes and used to appearon That's Life. Front row seat too, hope she is as funny as Victoria Wood, will let you know.We booked this ages ago in the gloom of winter, thinking it might be nice to get out of the house and do something God! that makes us sound like a retired OAP's does'nt it. Help!!! I am 45, or should you ask the wife 4+5= 9.
I expect to have a more positive post tomorrow but for now take care.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Lost and Found

Yesterday, I wrote a piece on youth and enthusiasm versus age and experience in an office environment. Thought it was quite philosophical looking at both ends of the spectrum and giving an insight into how each end gets played by management.
Today I logged on to my serious blog to check the entry and guess what….it’s not there, so I have obviously done something wrong Looking back I did not keep a copy.(No 1 lesson for self).
On a more positive note I have learnt to adjust my settings so anyone can post comment…. big thanks to lihorney for letting me know the settings were preventing comments.
No wonder I felt like billy no mates! Lol

I have spent a lot of time composing a letter of complaint to my credit card company for being over cautious in their fraud protection, to the point where they phone me up or write to me asking if I have spent £20.00 in the local supermarket and have even cancelled an order because they cannot contact me to ensure it was me making the purchase. Forgive me but what’s the point of the card if you cannot use it?

Tonight I go to my Valhalla, yes the gym again. This time I might manage more than four pull up’s at the end of the hours session lol.
I have found that having an MP3 is a great way to ignore the other ‘I think I am it’ men who prance up and down eyeing themselves in the mirror. Most of them probably would not know what a supinated grip is if you asked. Shame, they would probably find it useful, swinging form the bars lol.
Upstairs is less of a testosterone charged atmosphere, but there are no free weights.. only machines, so I try and do the bulk downstairs (time and equipment availability permitting).
A mixed gym is better cos us men tend to want to show off to the ladies…lets face it we all breathe in the Homer Simpson belly when there’s eye candy about. lol
Having used a stomach crunch-machine, with up to 40 k loaded, for a consistent period I have given up on the six pack. I will always have a little bit of spare flesh, so I am now of the opinion that I need to get the arms and shoulders as big as possible to get that tapered appearance.
There is a Abs class, but the instructor is a lady and to tell you the truth I am actually quite shy about turning up to a class that might be full of women. It’s a mixture of feeling out numbered, possibly being the center of attention or resisting staring open mouthed at the fit ones…..maybe I’ll join the other members of the troupe on the bars instead lol.

If there is anyone I think of as a model of fitness it’s the bloke doing the scores on the vid of Mason versus Princess Superstar –perfect, apart form the fact that he is bald, that is.
Baldness and having no neck should only be inflicted on bouncers (Aka Doormen, (Door people-pc version)), white van drivers and Birmingham City supporters/ hooligans.

As you can probably guess the other interests in my life are music, particularly dance music but with a very eclectic taste. To give you some idea of the diversity the CD’s in the car are Red Hot Chillies, Johnny Cash and Dance Compilations. I often question why I like dance music so much, perhaps it’s just the energy, maybe it’s the dancers, then again I do like River dance perhaps it’s legs, yes that’ll be it my favourite part of the female anatomy, legs.
Sorry, I seem to have digressed into one of my therapy sessions and it’s time I called it a day before I get too excited. …or need to go to confession lol

Monday, 21 May 2007

Driving me crazy

I am putting my O/H’s bursts of short temper down to still suffering having two teeth extracted and stitches in her gums. The apologies are accepted but what really gets me is criticising everything I do when driving. I seem to remember, when she had her sports car, that a journey was something akin to back to the future. Frequently cornering, I would find myself with my nose (yes I know it’s not insubstattial) almost pressed against the window of the passenger seat. If anyone else made a mistake or pulled out without due consideration the language and gestures would start. Sometimes it was justified, others I would hide in the passenger seat with embarrassment incase it was anyone I knew. Well now she is training to be a driving instructor and apparently I have to disregard almost 28 years of driving and acquired habits and become like the an angel…...hello…ratial incident (just think pots and kettles).
Finally got to gym yesterday morning and delight of delights I had the weights room to myself for most of the morning. Determined to make the most of it I crammed more into that session, including a 2 km cross train in the upstairs room. Left feeling that I could not see any physical response to my concerted effort and slightly disappointed. Today however my shirt feels tight, so either it has shrunk in wash or I did make some progress.
Visited sister in law and her boyfriend for lunch, nice sitting outside and having a few beers..hate Sunday afternoon’s it is the thought of work being next day that spoils that feeling of optimism. Watched ‘Kingdom’ on the box as the best of a nothing choice, switched to Flaunt Channel when O/H dozed off. Strange my taste in music is so eclectic but love the video’s ( in particular Gaudino Ft Crystal Waters- Road to Calabira - young ladyin vid is fit).... Shame I am old enough to be her dad! lol

This week I have the pleasure of T for most of the week. I should explain that T is one of my team and whilst hard working and pleasant enough, she makes a drama out of a crisis and does not exactly like having a laugh, unlike her counterpart. The reason she will be in for most of the week is that her job share S is on holiday and T covering. I look forward to Wednesday lunchtime cos of the change of atmosphere. Sometimes I come close to imitating the gran off Katherine tait’s show and telling T to “*****ing chillout”, forgive me but she has been in the job too long and takes life far to seriously.

Eaten mixed nuts, raisins and chocolate to keep energy levels up until lunch. Have a feeling it’s going to seem like a long week unless I manage to find a some inspiration.
Thankyou to anyone who has taken time to read this and do leave comments, every little helps.

Friday, 18 May 2007

Friday Confession

The buggers are cutting the grass outside and I’m already feeling bunged up as it is!
Missed going to the Gym last night, stayed in with poorly patient (other half) who’s face has swollen up following removal of two teeth…..ouch! Informed her this morning that she was in no fit state to go to out but she is determined not to let her current employer down. If it was me I would probably do the same but couldn’t help thinking I would be more concerned if she turned up to work for me in that state… probably send her home anyway.

The problem with my job is, there is no flow of work; it’s either hectic or as dull as ditch water. Finding meaningful tasks to occupy my time is not easy and I am blessed to have a dedicated team…..they even make me drinks!

One of my team has just arrived, after being off sick yesterday, she still looks poorly. She is going on holiday tomorrow. Nothing packed and they depart at 4 o’clock in morning.
What is it about ladies? Us blokes just give in and let our bodies recover from contagious common colds; women seem to feel the need to prove something…….. ‘indestructibility’…more typified by the need to maintain social contact and spread germs.

A recent visit to a website revealed that I am probably ‘burnt out’ or at high risk on the basis of answering questions on how I feel about my current role and the challenge of the role in relation to my ability. Determined I am in the best phase of my life, ‘distinguished not extinguished’ as I like to call it. I take care of my body; do not eat much bad food’s visit Gym at least twice a week. O.K. I will admit probably drink more alcohol than I should and need to take on more water.
I do enjoy going to Gym, particularly as I can see the change in my body shape …it’s also a great feeling to have the ladies subtly check you out…well that’s what I tell myself. I probably have no idea what they are thinking but the occasional smile does no harm, my ego gets a stroke and I feel good.
Whilst I have my own rose, I can still admire the other flowers in the garden!
I should explain that I am a shy person…. but a shy man is still a man at the end of the day.

More recently I have found some well written blogs to read and admire the ability to describe everyday life in an interesting and often humorous way. I admire lihorney for her open style which feels like a conversation with a friend. I often have a wry smile at her sense of humour.

Maybe it’s me/ a man thing, but writing feelings and thoughts does not come naturally, making things seem interesting is not high on my list of achievements, of which, here is something else to leave off the c.v.
Watching C4 last night… programme called Embarrasing Diseases….. you know piles, warts and all that.
We’ll the Clinic featured in the programme is a building I used to work in several years ago. Then it was the HQ for a Finacial Services company. It was sold for luxury flats when the company moved to the outskirts of the city…. How’s that for a claim to fame not.

I now consider this blog as therapy.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007


Where do you start…………queues of traffic on the way in to work.
9.a.m. meetings, systems failures, the weather, customer service…or should I say the lack of it.
Then I remember yesterday’s television news. It showed American soldiers treating civilian casualties in Iraq. Nothing remarkable in that you say…..except the woman being treated had been shot….. hanging her washing out.
So if I loose perspective, feel free to give me a slap
I am after all:

2)In little danger of being shot (unless my wife has taken out a contract).
3)Probably boring the pants off you

I will return when I have something more meaningful to say in the meanwhile enjoy the day.p.s the occasional flirt does everyone’s self esteem good, so if a middle age happens to smile at you ladies….be kind smile back, it could be me.

Friday, 11 May 2007

What is it about emotions one minute you are o.k., the next you feel down for no particular reason, the next you are back on a high.
Having to spend a lot of time in the office, bored, you know you have more experience to offer the organisation than they are prepared to pay you for. Trying to keep time occupied & save sanity by reading about other peoples interesting lives.

My attention was drawn to Born in the Eighties, Bored in the Naughties blog Emotional Ketchup for the following reasons:

“I have love for you if you were born in the Eighties, Eighties, it was acceptable at the time” good times

Bored in the Naughties - gives me a sense that I am not the only one who, like ‘Marvin the Paranoid Android’, has an under utilised brain and also a slightly naughty humourous side.

As for the definition of Emotional Ketchup, it just sums me up. I spend a lot of time going with the flow then every now and I ‘short circuit’… nothing bad…just an unexpected outburst, a frustration at my ability to express my feelings in words.

Feeling inspired to start blogging again but unable to get the thought of Kelly Pretty or Wang Shapes out of my head.

Romans Empire has a lot to answer for!