Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Strange talents

Listening to: Generator (The Holloways)
Feeling: Frustrated

Yesterday evening was boring, apart from a quick trip to the supermarket and watching the latest TV talent show. Sunday’s show was the best with a lady who generated sparks by taking an angel grinder to a metal cod piece she was wearing. Absolutely fantastic and sexy performance.
I do wonder how some people discover these strange talents. Do they suddenly think I’m bored so I know what I’ll do…swallow a sword, eat glass or better still take an angel grinder and a metal cod piece and …

Today has been too busy for my liking, staff on annual means I have to chip in and frankly the computer is p****** me off.
Clicking and waiting for more than 30 seconds to perform a task is really too much. Next time they swap mine I want a female …. At least they can multi task lol.

Tonight, whilst I hope to be visiting the Gym, I do now that I will be collecting some more horse muck for the garden from o/h friends. Oh lucky boy do I get all the good jobs.

So all round it’s been a pretty s***** day and I am lacking the inspiration to write a decent blog……. shame on me.

Before I end let me thank those who take time to read this.
Until next visit take care.


Anonymous said...

Lol always a decent bolg! and I love those talented people also they clearly have too much time on their hands though!

Red Hot Chillies said...

Thanks for the support!
The devil makes work and all that. Still trying to find my talent,clearly like a few of the contestants lol.