Thursday, 28 June 2007


Apologies for the following, it’s not meant to offend just amuse. Life is a little turgid in most respects at the moment and self preservation dictates that I have some outlet. It also gives you some idea of how random my thoughts go.

A few days to go until the Ban comes into effect.But have they considered the consequences?
Currently people who smoke tend to do so on works time and those that don’t smoke make up the deficit in production or service level.
Once the ban comes into effect there is going to be more productivity as a result of reduced breaks or down time. Given that demand for most products or services is being met by the current output (with smoking breaks) the result is a surplus.
Surplus is over supply and likely to lead to cut backs…….in staff?

An alternative is for those who smoke to spend any money saved, thereby increasing demand .
What’s the most likely accessible item that might purchased in majority of workplaces?

Yes you got it………. food!

Any good economist is likely to tell you that an increase in demand is likely to see an increase in price. Therefore we are all
going to be paying more as a consequence. Some ex- smokers will put on weight, dramatically increasing obesity levels.

Those that never smoked will get even thinner, cos they cannot afford to eat and the new dress size will be like a toy train set, guage 000.
Vanessa feltz might really be able to claim to like a size 12 but resemble Miss Piggy though lol.

Alas my mood is not one for blogging today, save to thank those who visit my world.
I wish you all health and cheer.
Take Care

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