Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Kid's, Cat's and Cow's

No gym last night, got to do something with telephone directories instead, but it was’nt ripping them, it was delivering them!

O/h ,in an attempt to earn whilst learning, has taken on delivery of nearly 1000 directories. Unfortunately for one reason or another she had not been able to complete a certain area and asked for my assistance.
If I said I was not disappointed, would be lying, cos I was looking forward to a session in the gym. However I thought to myself, stop being spoilt kid, look at it as an Aeorbic exercise.
So off I go loaded with over 200 directories and a trolley meant for Newspapers. The area in question is one of the less salubrious parts of our town., the houses/ flats are mostly council owned.

What I did find amusing was a group of children playing in a car park area just outside the houses, especially the lad who said “Leave it on the bin mate and I’ll take it in when I go in” he was probably about 7yrs old. Then there was the little bespectacled girl who politely enquired if I was doing the whole of the road and asked if she could take one for her house “cos the dog barks loud”. It was surreal like that Mareva advert, where the kid’s act the adults and the adults go off and play.

Saw very few adults, those that I did see reminded me that this is very much a council estate. Nothging wrong with that, grew up in the heart of Industrial Birmingham, in a Council house myself. Just reminded me the difference in people’s lives and where I have come from.
Determined that Thursday I am going to be in the Gym, but then who knows what will happen, remain optimistic (for a change).

Must admit to a failing. Had a few drinks before bed and fell asleep, waking up at half past midnight, still on the sofa…. realised the cats were still out.
Left o/h in situ and went to call them in, which took about twenty minutes, cos they are creatures of the night preferring to chase little insects, rather than respond to pathetic calls form a sleepy (and at this point freezing) idiot of an owner.
p.s thought global warming means it get’s warmer, not colder brrrr.

Anyhow once they were all safely in the kitchen I closed the door and in eagerness to get to bed I raced up the stairs stubbing a toe on the wooden stairs.
By this time o/h had woken and taken herself to slumber’s, only lifting her head form pillow to enquire if they were safely in.
The reply was a lot more pure than my thoughts at the time…. probably only bruised….. but it hurt like hell .

Today J is in late cos it’s her daughter’s school assembley. Last night she stopped at my desk and said “My daughters a cow” followed by “ I have to make something to make her look like a cow”.
At first me and T thought she was calling her daughter a cow, not stating that was the part in the assembely.
I would say it is a blond thing but both T and J are blond. T thought the same as me, so starting a conversation with an ambiguous statement is just a trait of J’s.
Unfortunately for me I have a rather active, sometimes purile, imagination that will make anything into a joke to relieve boredom. I can often be heard to laugh at double entendre’s, innuendo and faux paus. Probably to cover up the fact that I am a shy person, even at 40+.

Out for meal tonight with people o/h know’s from wedding/ ‘girly’ holiday.
Hope food’s good, could eat a horse right now.

Take Care


Anonymous said...

Hi r4registry just to let you know that the computer has had a change of heart this month and allowing me to add you to my list of blogs! hope you don't mind, sure you won't; I teach alot over brum way and although theres loads of crap areas I find the people are really friendly on the whole. Take care get to the gym remember its your sanctuary!

Chrissy said...

Hi there R4!! Lihorney asked me to drop in and make myself known.

Pitty those telephone books weren't just newspapers and you could have ditched them over a hedge, and gone to the gym anyway and O/h would be none the wiser!! Just a thought for next year!! LOL


Red Hot Chillies said...

Hi lihorney,
That's great!
Thanks, you have a good night tonight.
I will try to get there but we'll see.

Hey Chrissy,
Thanks for popping in. I think I can safely say it's a one off, never to be repeated.
The papers are easier to dump... err I mean deliver lol.

Take Care