If success is a matter of timing then I stood in the wrong queue. Take DIY for example, never have the tool which makes the job easier or more aestheticaly pleasing.
Eventually buy the tool and never have to do the job again ....at least that's how it seems to me.
The spouse is always asking what I am looking at or telling me I don't need this or that tool.
My response is she's right, not now, but you can bet when I do need it I wont have it around to use.
Soooooo ...If I follow that logic buying the entire contents of B&Q or Wickes would mean I don't have any DIY for the foreseeable..........er no I don't think so somethings always breaking or need changing.
Another non DIY example...booked B&B for couple of nights through internet... a very last minute thing because prices were rediculously high ... on paying vendors they proudly informed me it would have been £28 cheaper through their website....yes it's all well telling me now that's just adding to my frustrations.
Any life coaches out their got a theory (btw..that's tongue in cheek).
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
5yrs Later on.....
You got the world at your feet.
We'll not quite, but all in all I got something to say.
Politicians, Bankers....Hang em high .. non of them can lye straight in bed.
Deny us a pay rise for yrs, put up the pension age and reduce the rate it's calculated at whilst all the time increasing your own benefits.If ever there was one rule for them and one for us..ok blood now at incredible Hulk transormation level, time to change subject.
Will the Sun shine for the Olympics, so after months of rain, were stuck infront of telly watching some artifically created rain (in the opening ceremony) to remind us of where we live. Of all things British..why draw upon the worst aspect? Could'nt we just have had two old geezers in deck chairs with knotted handkerchiefs supping tea ? A queue of pensioners lined up on pension day and a mugger doing the 100 metres chased by Simon Pegg Hot fuzz stylie.
Or in homage to Run fat boy Run an average class of obesse school kids, Mac Donalds in hand chasing Jamie Oliver.
Yes we really have so much to offer beyond the good looks of Jessica Ennis and Tom Daley..ahem.
We'll not quite, but all in all I got something to say.
Politicians, Bankers....Hang em high .. non of them can lye straight in bed.
Deny us a pay rise for yrs, put up the pension age and reduce the rate it's calculated at whilst all the time increasing your own benefits.If ever there was one rule for them and one for us..ok blood now at incredible Hulk transormation level, time to change subject.
Will the Sun shine for the Olympics, so after months of rain, were stuck infront of telly watching some artifically created rain (in the opening ceremony) to remind us of where we live. Of all things British..why draw upon the worst aspect? Could'nt we just have had two old geezers in deck chairs with knotted handkerchiefs supping tea ? A queue of pensioners lined up on pension day and a mugger doing the 100 metres chased by Simon Pegg Hot fuzz stylie.
Or in homage to Run fat boy Run an average class of obesse school kids, Mac Donalds in hand chasing Jamie Oliver.
Yes we really have so much to offer beyond the good looks of Jessica Ennis and Tom Daley..ahem.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Larger, Doughnuts and well endowed Giants
If I had anything decent to say about last night it was tea was over quickly. I had one of those oppressive thunder storm headaches but still managed to do a few domestic chores.
Dropped a nearly full jar of Hot Salsa dip over the kitchen floor, smashed to bits. Proves operating under parr. Happens when I am not well, get clumsy and knock things or miss co-ordinate. Infact it’s one of the clues picked up on that something is not right.
Thankfully took a few pain killers (4 cans larger), not as instant as the parathingy’s, but more fun.
Restless night waking several times, not least by the birds singing and having some strange dreams.
Mr Blue Sky
Where indeed did we go wrong?
I am now of the opinion that moaning about the weather is doing no good, so like a politican, we must put a positive spin on the whole rain thing.
So “We had a very welcome drop of rain today and even the odd rumble of thunder to remind us that a cold front actually met a warm front.
Dropped a nearly full jar of Hot Salsa dip over the kitchen floor, smashed to bits. Proves operating under parr. Happens when I am not well, get clumsy and knock things or miss co-ordinate. Infact it’s one of the clues picked up on that something is not right.
Thankfully took a few pain killers (4 cans larger), not as instant as the parathingy’s, but more fun.
Restless night waking several times, not least by the birds singing and having some strange dreams.
Mr Blue Sky
Where indeed did we go wrong?
I am now of the opinion that moaning about the weather is doing no good, so like a politican, we must put a positive spin on the whole rain thing.
So “We had a very welcome drop of rain today and even the odd rumble of thunder to remind us that a cold front actually met a warm front.
The resulting precipitation of hale destroyed any blossom on the runner beans, meaning we will not have to go out and pick any for the foreseeable future.
Instead we will rely on the overpriced Tesco variant and whilst instore succumb to purchasing ‘loss leaders’ maintaining the hard earned profits of an egalitarian employer”.
Cerne Abbas homage

Cerne Abbas homage

The locals are up in arms about an 180ft Homer Simpson painted next ot the Cerne Abbas giant. Which is more offensive, a club wielding giant with a stiffy or Homer in pants, cluthching a doughnut?
Both are forms of visual art but it’s unlikely young ladies will be wanting to sit on the image of Homers pants in an attempt to get pregnant.
Both are forms of visual art but it’s unlikely young ladies will be wanting to sit on the image of Homers pants in an attempt to get pregnant.
Two Pints
Watched a repeat last night, the coloured lass was so funny. She had to climb through a window or a supposedly possessed pub and remarked she did not want to snag her tights cos “ That would be almost embarrassing as the time I pooted during my smear test”. Lol
This afternoons meeting is going to be exciting not, chaired by someone who likes the sound of own voice and I am taking minutes. As has been said ‘I got the short straw’. Oh I so hope I get to the gym tonight, need the endorphine rush to kick mwe outta the depression of being stuck in office.
Watched a repeat last night, the coloured lass was so funny. She had to climb through a window or a supposedly possessed pub and remarked she did not want to snag her tights cos “ That would be almost embarrassing as the time I pooted during my smear test”. Lol
This afternoons meeting is going to be exciting not, chaired by someone who likes the sound of own voice and I am taking minutes. As has been said ‘I got the short straw’. Oh I so hope I get to the gym tonight, need the endorphine rush to kick mwe outta the depression of being stuck in office.
‘Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire’ (Winston Churchill)
Let's dance (David Bowie)
Wish me luck, I have had far far more promising afternoons than the one ahead.
Take Care
Monday, 16 July 2007
Bus Driver, BHD and flies
Friday night’s are either a celebration of the weekend or like last Friday an over – tired stare out the window at crap weather and feeling that it’s not going to be a fun one. Silly me, should realise by now that tiredness leaves one susceptible to low morale.
Thankfully Saturday was fine so after delivering nearly 500 papers between us we sat in garden with small barbecue. Two Chilli and Garlic sausages purchased form Local Butcher and a few beverages.
After the barbecue used coals for fire in couldron (old style barbecue made of cast iron, brill for having small fires) and put some music on.
Sat outside till o/h decided she would take herself to bed (only 8 O’Clock), so made sure fire was out and all cats were in before I went .
Funny but there’s always one you cannot find and after spending a good half hour whistling and calling their name, get fed up and go indoors to find there already in. …..sure they hide just to play me up lol.
Sunday did breakfast and watched telly before going to Gym. The place was packed cos there was this kids football event going on.. Ice Cream van, bouncy castle and tons vehicles in car par. Kid’s were covered waste deep in mud and it was chucking it down, proud parents huddled under umbrella’s to cheer their offspring secretly wondering how they will get them home without turning the car into a mud bath. Oh the joy of being a parent lol.
Returned home to a pile of ironing before lunch then getting ready for B’day party. Picked friends up and drove into Birmingham to find the club. It was not a bad party, the people were friendly and although I did not know many of them had a good afternoon/ evening. Had my first taste of ‘Rice and Pea’s’ with home made curried goat. We left at 10:30 to take our friends back before going home.
Had a couple of cider’s before bed (designated driver) , by 1 a.m. I was out like a light.
On reflection weekends are over all too quickly …. not had time off since April….. could do with chillin out for a week in Sun. Maybe in September, when the kid’s are back in school…….too expensive at moment.
Pretty ‘Fly’ for a white Guy
There I am struggling to keep two bumdbells perched above my head, really trying to perform a good number of repitions
When this fly decides to ‘buzz ’me..backwards and forwards right infront of my face…. in a taunting ‘you can’t catch me’ way.
In no position to do bugger all if it landed on me and perspiring with the effort probably made matters worse.
Felt like charecter from Peanuts cartoon, the one who always carried a blanket and was surrounded by a dust cloud and flies. Embarrassed by the attention incase anyone thought it was a matter of personal hygiene…. moved on to a different area…me that is not the fly.Now I know where they got the exercise called the inclined fly lol
Your too sexy for my bus(t)
Most of us men would probably admire an attractive 20 yr old without making an issue of it, not this German bus driver.
Imagine the bus telling you to move, cos he can’t stop looking at your breasts and his employers backed him! As the question say's wonder how he would feel if tables were reversed.
BHD explained in Mathmatics
I always prefer to keep my hair shortish to avoid tufts, according to mathmatics here’s why they occur.
Given a tangential vector field on the surface of a sphere in three-dimensional space, there must be at least one point where the field is zero.
Try telling the hairdresser that!
In the absence of any decent humour from me today I draw attention to lihorney’s excellent piece containing ‘ Itchy and scratchy’ humour.
Talking of itchy here’s an HGH2 article on Allergic Feminie Reaction and it’s nothing to do with men!!!
Take Care
Friday night’s are either a celebration of the weekend or like last Friday an over – tired stare out the window at crap weather and feeling that it’s not going to be a fun one. Silly me, should realise by now that tiredness leaves one susceptible to low morale.
Thankfully Saturday was fine so after delivering nearly 500 papers between us we sat in garden with small barbecue. Two Chilli and Garlic sausages purchased form Local Butcher and a few beverages.
After the barbecue used coals for fire in couldron (old style barbecue made of cast iron, brill for having small fires) and put some music on.
Sat outside till o/h decided she would take herself to bed (only 8 O’Clock), so made sure fire was out and all cats were in before I went .
Funny but there’s always one you cannot find and after spending a good half hour whistling and calling their name, get fed up and go indoors to find there already in. …..sure they hide just to play me up lol.
Sunday did breakfast and watched telly before going to Gym. The place was packed cos there was this kids football event going on.. Ice Cream van, bouncy castle and tons vehicles in car par. Kid’s were covered waste deep in mud and it was chucking it down, proud parents huddled under umbrella’s to cheer their offspring secretly wondering how they will get them home without turning the car into a mud bath. Oh the joy of being a parent lol.
Returned home to a pile of ironing before lunch then getting ready for B’day party. Picked friends up and drove into Birmingham to find the club. It was not a bad party, the people were friendly and although I did not know many of them had a good afternoon/ evening. Had my first taste of ‘Rice and Pea’s’ with home made curried goat. We left at 10:30 to take our friends back before going home.
Had a couple of cider’s before bed (designated driver) , by 1 a.m. I was out like a light.
On reflection weekends are over all too quickly …. not had time off since April….. could do with chillin out for a week in Sun. Maybe in September, when the kid’s are back in school…….too expensive at moment.
Pretty ‘Fly’ for a white Guy
There I am struggling to keep two bumdbells perched above my head, really trying to perform a good number of repitions
When this fly decides to ‘buzz ’me..backwards and forwards right infront of my face…. in a taunting ‘you can’t catch me’ way.
In no position to do bugger all if it landed on me and perspiring with the effort probably made matters worse.
Felt like charecter from Peanuts cartoon, the one who always carried a blanket and was surrounded by a dust cloud and flies. Embarrassed by the attention incase anyone thought it was a matter of personal hygiene…. moved on to a different area…me that is not the fly.Now I know where they got the exercise called the inclined fly lol
Your too sexy for my bus(t)
Most of us men would probably admire an attractive 20 yr old without making an issue of it, not this German bus driver.
Imagine the bus telling you to move, cos he can’t stop looking at your breasts and his employers backed him! As the question say's wonder how he would feel if tables were reversed.
BHD explained in Mathmatics
I always prefer to keep my hair shortish to avoid tufts, according to mathmatics here’s why they occur.
Given a tangential vector field on the surface of a sphere in three-dimensional space, there must be at least one point where the field is zero.
Try telling the hairdresser that!
In the absence of any decent humour from me today I draw attention to lihorney’s excellent piece containing ‘ Itchy and scratchy’ humour.
Talking of itchy here’s an HGH2 article on Allergic Feminie Reaction and it’s nothing to do with men!!!
Take Care
Friday, 13 July 2007
Where there's muck & Northerness
Nasty habit of reading things too quickly. Sometimes it’s amusing e.g taking Yahoo’s headline, ‘Bush says no shift on Iraq’ and dropping the ‘f’. Oh is he so deeply in it there! lol
Expensive loo roll
Following stories regarding large amounts of cash being stashed in male restrooms of public buildings, there has been an icrease in the number of visitors to our facilities. Our visitors were less happy to learn that this only occurred in Japan. It’s thought the local diet left them ‘bunged up’ and a good ‘deposit’ was required. Either that or the yacuza have not grasped the concept of money laundering & dirty money.
Last Night
“She said”(sorry it just poped into my head, lyrics often do).
The Gym was a reduced session but I felt better for going, than leaving it till Sunday.
Also managed to do some domestic chores but on the downside ate a large tea and a Chinese later (but he was only small lol).
There’s a rising awareness that work is bad for you. You get an occasional good day but on the whole, for most of us, it’s not intellectually stimulating enough and you can think of better things that you could be doing elsewhere.
The problem is you need the money, so like a good un you do your best. Occasionally though, if your clever, you can achieve ‘upward delegation’.
This is the art of creating work for your boss. It has the rather positive effect that you generally get left alone, as they become reluctant to give you a piece of paper lest they get four back.
Today I have done this to my boss’s boss and whilst feel kinda smug’ also feel sorry for poor fella cos he was trying to clear his desk.
You can even do a course in it!!!!!
What about us in the center? Can we do a Midlanderness course and what do you think we should include?
Apart from going to a party Sunday not sure what’s on cards. Not looking too good for being outdoors, so I might just go on sunbed to avoid S.A.D. Oh and I have to get hair cut……
They found me at last!
Expensive loo roll
Following stories regarding large amounts of cash being stashed in male restrooms of public buildings, there has been an icrease in the number of visitors to our facilities. Our visitors were less happy to learn that this only occurred in Japan. It’s thought the local diet left them ‘bunged up’ and a good ‘deposit’ was required. Either that or the yacuza have not grasped the concept of money laundering & dirty money.
Last Night
“She said”(sorry it just poped into my head, lyrics often do).
The Gym was a reduced session but I felt better for going, than leaving it till Sunday.
Also managed to do some domestic chores but on the downside ate a large tea and a Chinese later (but he was only small lol).
There’s a rising awareness that work is bad for you. You get an occasional good day but on the whole, for most of us, it’s not intellectually stimulating enough and you can think of better things that you could be doing elsewhere.
The problem is you need the money, so like a good un you do your best. Occasionally though, if your clever, you can achieve ‘upward delegation’.
This is the art of creating work for your boss. It has the rather positive effect that you generally get left alone, as they become reluctant to give you a piece of paper lest they get four back.
Today I have done this to my boss’s boss and whilst feel kinda smug’ also feel sorry for poor fella cos he was trying to clear his desk.
You can even do a course in it!!!!!
What about us in the center? Can we do a Midlanderness course and what do you think we should include?
Apart from going to a party Sunday not sure what’s on cards. Not looking too good for being outdoors, so I might just go on sunbed to avoid S.A.D. Oh and I have to get hair cut……
They found me at last!
For those of you who wonder what I look like here one from my modelling portfolio LOL.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Underwear, BDSM and Shrek the third
A ‘pants’ book review
Underwear played a huge role in promoting literacy according to this article.
Who would have thought it, recycling your grundies into paper.
Not sure they would get vary far with today’s trend for thongs lol.
Apparently country folk were more prone to ‘going commando’ which was frowned upon in the city.
Of course the researchers have overlooked the possibility that country folk were more concerned with VPL under their smocks lol
Tin Tin top shelf only
Apprently Herge’s Tin Tin is racist, so it’s come off the children’s book shelves and been put on the adult section
At least the bookstore has had the common sense to let the consumer decide, given the time the material was written.
Shrek the third
It sounds like an injustice to say that the closing credits were the best part of the film but it is true.
The film was good, even if the plot is getting a little worn, it’s just they saved the best till last.
Incase you have not seen yet I will leave it there.
Gardening can be a pain
Apparently a garden should have a theme.
It should say something to the gardener according to this article based on the BDSM garden.
Mine keeps telling me to cut the grass or is it ‘spank my ass’ lol.
Coming to an Island near you!
One of our local traffic Islands in home to a large colony of wild rabbits. They just sit and chew the grass as numerous vehicles pass. They don’t seem interested in leaving. They have food ,shelter and plenty of company.
I am wondering who has best got their life in balance, us or them.
Maybe I’ll join them , anyone else interested???
Gym for me tonight and I feel like a change of exercise could snap me out of a rut. Well see what happens, sometimes I start off with an intention and life just gets in the way.
Take Care
Underwear played a huge role in promoting literacy according to this article.
Who would have thought it, recycling your grundies into paper.
Not sure they would get vary far with today’s trend for thongs lol.
Apparently country folk were more prone to ‘going commando’ which was frowned upon in the city.
Of course the researchers have overlooked the possibility that country folk were more concerned with VPL under their smocks lol
Tin Tin top shelf only
Apprently Herge’s Tin Tin is racist, so it’s come off the children’s book shelves and been put on the adult section
At least the bookstore has had the common sense to let the consumer decide, given the time the material was written.
Shrek the third
It sounds like an injustice to say that the closing credits were the best part of the film but it is true.
The film was good, even if the plot is getting a little worn, it’s just they saved the best till last.
Incase you have not seen yet I will leave it there.
Gardening can be a pain
Apparently a garden should have a theme.
It should say something to the gardener according to this article based on the BDSM garden.
Mine keeps telling me to cut the grass or is it ‘spank my ass’ lol.
Coming to an Island near you!
One of our local traffic Islands in home to a large colony of wild rabbits. They just sit and chew the grass as numerous vehicles pass. They don’t seem interested in leaving. They have food ,shelter and plenty of company.
I am wondering who has best got their life in balance, us or them.
Maybe I’ll join them , anyone else interested???
Gym for me tonight and I feel like a change of exercise could snap me out of a rut. Well see what happens, sometimes I start off with an intention and life just gets in the way.
Take Care
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Mid week trend
Following my recent Bagging topic I was thinking you could actually put pictures on them. Then I found this.
and apparently one of Girls aloud is into the trend to.

It's obviously catching on lol.
Philosophical thought
My life suffers two extremes e.g. exercise and alcohol. Both are fairly regular occurances , alcohol is not in enough volume to call it alcoholism, nor is it dependency (cos I can abstain for days). Exercise is as regular as I can make it and as intense as my body allows.
On reflection it’s indicative of the way I approach most things, if you draw a line up the centre of a page and do a scatter plot of most things, alcohol v exercise, work v play, good v bad or conformity v rebellion, you name it I would have two extremes, far left and far right.
The question I am asking myself is what does this all mean?
I like to dip my toe in many puddles? Im inconsistent? Too easy going to choose an option? Or I want the best of both worlds?
Am I searching for something or seeking to belong ?
Who knows!
Guess you could call me a deviant lol
Patrick joke
Q. How Do you confuse an Irishman?
A. Line two shovels up against a wall and tell him to take his pick…... (Frank Carson, ur a cracker)
Smokers invade Stoke (but only until August)
It can only happen here -Smoke on trent
My life suffers two extremes e.g. exercise and alcohol. Both are fairly regular occurances , alcohol is not in enough volume to call it alcoholism, nor is it dependency (cos I can abstain for days). Exercise is as regular as I can make it and as intense as my body allows.
On reflection it’s indicative of the way I approach most things, if you draw a line up the centre of a page and do a scatter plot of most things, alcohol v exercise, work v play, good v bad or conformity v rebellion, you name it I would have two extremes, far left and far right.
The question I am asking myself is what does this all mean?
I like to dip my toe in many puddles? Im inconsistent? Too easy going to choose an option? Or I want the best of both worlds?
Am I searching for something or seeking to belong ?
Who knows!
Guess you could call me a deviant lol
Patrick joke
Q. How Do you confuse an Irishman?
A. Line two shovels up against a wall and tell him to take his pick…... (Frank Carson, ur a cracker)
Smokers invade Stoke (but only until August)
It can only happen here -Smoke on trent
Shrek tonight
No I have’nt been looking in the mirror, Im not bogey green with a proclaimers accent lol, we are going to the cinema to see the film.
My favourite is Puss, mainly because we have one that can do those big eye’s when you try to tell her off ….typical female lol.
Ginger breadman comes close second for sheer attitude.
As you can see I am persisting with the colour today, though I think my mixing is attrocious.
Take Care
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Fattening up for Market Day
Today had porridge and honey for breakfast before coming to work, completely forgot the Project Manager promised Sausage or Bacon sarnies next time.
So having demolished a Bacon sarnie (no sauce unfortunately) we got kicked out of the meeting room cos it had been booked for 10 a.m. Returned to Office for Coffee and obligatory apple pie (they were nearing the expiry date).
The meeting was strange more of a pantomime, I am scheduled for 472 or work and one day I have two separate tasks totalling 16 hours. Nice to see my name come up in red, denoting I am overtasked….. cos I only do 8 hr days lol.
Oh god here we go again! V has just crashed the mini doughnuts. Why is all this food coming at once??
There are day’s I just don’t get time to grab breakfast and sit here stomach rumbling until I succumb to an early lunch not today its eat, eat, eat.
OMG it’s 14:35 and I have just be offered a piece of lemon cake, this is toooooo coincidental to be true. There are strange forces at work today.
It’s the cows fault!
Belching cows more harmful than 4by 4’s?????? The world has truly gone over the edge now
Flirt Divert
Radio one has this mobile number they broadcast, anyone can give it if approached by an unwanted admirer. Some of the most stupid or weird ones get played on air….
they are so cringe worthy.
Last night one left a message where he called the woman “Bird” directly. Another left a message to say they met in *** club, which according to the presenters/DJ is a lap dance place. I despair of my fellow man sometimes.
It’s not just the men either, some of the women sound like bunny boilers/ serial stalkers.
A funnier call was responding to a card put through this woman’s door about relocating to Wales. She actually sounded genuinely interested…oh what fun you can have.
We did’nt make it (Am I boverred)
After all that brilliant work selling our achievements, we did not makeTeam of the month for July. To make it worse the entries were so good they chose to award it to two teams this month, so we did’nt even come second.
Colour my life
In response to lihorney’s rather attractive entry I am joining the campaign to brighten the world with coloured txt…….but not pink.. noooo
Today had porridge and honey for breakfast before coming to work, completely forgot the Project Manager promised Sausage or Bacon sarnies next time.
So having demolished a Bacon sarnie (no sauce unfortunately) we got kicked out of the meeting room cos it had been booked for 10 a.m. Returned to Office for Coffee and obligatory apple pie (they were nearing the expiry date).
The meeting was strange more of a pantomime, I am scheduled for 472 or work and one day I have two separate tasks totalling 16 hours. Nice to see my name come up in red, denoting I am overtasked….. cos I only do 8 hr days lol.
Oh god here we go again! V has just crashed the mini doughnuts. Why is all this food coming at once??
There are day’s I just don’t get time to grab breakfast and sit here stomach rumbling until I succumb to an early lunch not today its eat, eat, eat.
OMG it’s 14:35 and I have just be offered a piece of lemon cake, this is toooooo coincidental to be true. There are strange forces at work today.
It’s the cows fault!
Belching cows more harmful than 4by 4’s?????? The world has truly gone over the edge now
Flirt Divert
Radio one has this mobile number they broadcast, anyone can give it if approached by an unwanted admirer. Some of the most stupid or weird ones get played on air….
they are so cringe worthy.
Last night one left a message where he called the woman “Bird” directly. Another left a message to say they met in *** club, which according to the presenters/DJ is a lap dance place. I despair of my fellow man sometimes.
It’s not just the men either, some of the women sound like bunny boilers/ serial stalkers.
A funnier call was responding to a card put through this woman’s door about relocating to Wales. She actually sounded genuinely interested…oh what fun you can have.
We did’nt make it (Am I boverred)
After all that brilliant work selling our achievements, we did not makeTeam of the month for July. To make it worse the entries were so good they chose to award it to two teams this month, so we did’nt even come second.
Colour my life
In response to lihorney’s rather attractive entry I am joining the campaign to brighten the world with coloured txt…….but not pink.. noooo
Monday, 9 July 2007
Monday Monday- no good for me

Wimbledon’s over so it can stop raining now, no honestly it is, really.
Despite the two most reasonable days for a good while, it’s back to make us sad.
Nothing seasonal about it, infact it’s most unseasonal and unwelcome weather.
Like Monday morning, there’s a boring predictability now.
Hung over I missed the Gym on Sunday, celebrating o/h passing advanced driving test on Saturday.
Cava, cream cakes and Chinese food washed down with a few glasses of red. No wonder I felt rough.
Only managed to catch snippets of Live Earth but that did include Madges excellent performance.
Some tabloid has decided to attack Madonna for her companies investments and huge fleet of
cars and planes she alledgedly uses. I’ll bet the reporter and the editor do their bit……yeah right.
Sensationalism sells newspapers not facts.
Tennis finals were good, but I was rooting for the under dog’s and neither won despite their best efforts.
Not in the best mood to do a good blog today, head aches in that pre storm way
Going to have a coffee and a Wagon Wheel, sugar rush needed.
For the visitor who loves her shoes I have this offering, not exactly the real thing but like a picture of a Red Lamboughini Diablo, exudes a certain sex appeal
Despite the two most reasonable days for a good while, it’s back to make us sad.
Nothing seasonal about it, infact it’s most unseasonal and unwelcome weather.
Like Monday morning, there’s a boring predictability now.
Hung over I missed the Gym on Sunday, celebrating o/h passing advanced driving test on Saturday.
Cava, cream cakes and Chinese food washed down with a few glasses of red. No wonder I felt rough.
Only managed to catch snippets of Live Earth but that did include Madges excellent performance.
Some tabloid has decided to attack Madonna for her companies investments and huge fleet of
cars and planes she alledgedly uses. I’ll bet the reporter and the editor do their bit……yeah right.
Sensationalism sells newspapers not facts.
Tennis finals were good, but I was rooting for the under dog’s and neither won despite their best efforts.
Not in the best mood to do a good blog today, head aches in that pre storm way
Going to have a coffee and a Wagon Wheel, sugar rush needed.
For the visitor who loves her shoes I have this offering, not exactly the real thing but like a picture of a Red Lamboughini Diablo, exudes a certain sex appeal
Take Care
Friday, 6 July 2007
Bagging Experience, Freebie and Pigeons
We’ll I made it to the sanctuary , yet again left feeling it was mediocre session.
To be honest it’s often a yo-yo experience, there are day’s you want to go, after it’s over you feel like you have not done much. Other days you cannot be asked, but surprisingly, leave feeling lifted by a good performance.
It’s frustrating that one day you can lift a certain weight or perform an exercise with good form and another you struggle. I know the body needs at least 24hrs to recover, that’s why it’s good to mix it up and do cardio one day, weights another or concentrate on different areas on different day’s. The main frustration with that is access to the equipment, especially if you only go for an hour at a time.
Unless my shirts are shrinking in the wash, results are coming.. slowly. This week has also been healthier, more water, more sleep and only 2 glasses of wine since weekend.
O/h showed me an article from a girl’s magazine. It’s about people who spice up their sex lives by putting a bag over their head,whilst making love.
It appears that for some the isolation, anticipation of not knowing what the others doing and not seeing the others face is a turn on. There were three separate couples who confessed that they participated in this activity and I must admit that I can see what they mean, after all it’s like blindfolding, it just takes trust.
I am now wondering about the recent disappearance of a large number of extra large gusseted envelopes from the office. lol
Do you think we have a bagger in our midst?
Will let you know if I find anything out, as yet I have not had a discussion about the article with the ladies in the office.
After a career of 29 years and at least 5 employers I do a good line in sounding like I know what I am on about, occasionally I do and I amaze myself.
Despite not being as highly ranked as previously employed I am sometimes alarmed at the naivety of colleagues put in positions of responsibility.
The latest is that given a project schedule, people take it as gospel events will happen according to plan. Hello, big dose of reality, open wide and swallow.
On the other hand a little bit of ignorance protects the average employee from realising the actual reality those that captain the ship sometimes loose the compass.
Temping is useful way of learning about an organisation, without making a commitment. You owe the employer nothing and they owe you nothing. A mutual balance of respect, you know you will not be doing anything too interesting and they now that they cannot ask you to, “go the extra mile”. However, if you are a good temp and succumb to the offer of a full time postion you have a limited, the“window of respect *” to find an alternative employment source.
Once past the window you are effectively “ locked in” and seen as part of the furniture. If the employer has a problem you will become part of the solution, an expendable foot soldier. This might involve you doing extra duties for no financial reward.
The management lingo is “ Going the extra mile”, “getting a feather in the cap”or “demonstrating model employee behaviour”. Effectively you are past the point where you are in a position to bargain, as you have sold your services
. I once worked with a guy who had so many accrued and unrewarded accalaids I called him Cochise (full headdress of feathers). I don’t imply that you should not make an effort but that you should strike a balance, maintain the equilibrium.
*This is generally the period it takes for you to become so ingrained into the organisation that it is not financially viable for you to seek alternative employment.
One of the other team has given us all two Phillips small bayonet energy saving bulbs for home. They are being given out as part of a conservation thingy. One of the team (blond (forgive me lord, I know I am not perfect)) asked what they were for , so I put on to each ear and said it’s a the new idea’s scheme, you put one in each ear and when you have a bright idea they light up. lol
She laughed, so I got away with it.
Ever since I heard Blurs Park life I wondered what they meant by “intimidated by the pigeons”.
Now I know, a ruddy great specimen has just landed on a branch outside my window, turned round and plopped into the courtyard, before flying off.
He must have worked here in a previous life lol.
Alledgeldy it’s going to be a nice day tomorrow, so it’s outside, maybe a Barbie (BBQ not the doll though I could do good impression of ken lol), well see. The importance of getting outside cannot be stressed enough, as indicated in the article Happiness is right outside . The recent inclement weather is enough to make the most cheerful of us feel less than tip top.
Take Care
To be honest it’s often a yo-yo experience, there are day’s you want to go, after it’s over you feel like you have not done much. Other days you cannot be asked, but surprisingly, leave feeling lifted by a good performance.
It’s frustrating that one day you can lift a certain weight or perform an exercise with good form and another you struggle. I know the body needs at least 24hrs to recover, that’s why it’s good to mix it up and do cardio one day, weights another or concentrate on different areas on different day’s. The main frustration with that is access to the equipment, especially if you only go for an hour at a time.
Unless my shirts are shrinking in the wash, results are coming.. slowly. This week has also been healthier, more water, more sleep and only 2 glasses of wine since weekend.
O/h showed me an article from a girl’s magazine. It’s about people who spice up their sex lives by putting a bag over their head,whilst making love.
It appears that for some the isolation, anticipation of not knowing what the others doing and not seeing the others face is a turn on. There were three separate couples who confessed that they participated in this activity and I must admit that I can see what they mean, after all it’s like blindfolding, it just takes trust.
I am now wondering about the recent disappearance of a large number of extra large gusseted envelopes from the office. lol
Do you think we have a bagger in our midst?
Will let you know if I find anything out, as yet I have not had a discussion about the article with the ladies in the office.
After a career of 29 years and at least 5 employers I do a good line in sounding like I know what I am on about, occasionally I do and I amaze myself.
Despite not being as highly ranked as previously employed I am sometimes alarmed at the naivety of colleagues put in positions of responsibility.
The latest is that given a project schedule, people take it as gospel events will happen according to plan. Hello, big dose of reality, open wide and swallow.
On the other hand a little bit of ignorance protects the average employee from realising the actual reality those that captain the ship sometimes loose the compass.
Temping is useful way of learning about an organisation, without making a commitment. You owe the employer nothing and they owe you nothing. A mutual balance of respect, you know you will not be doing anything too interesting and they now that they cannot ask you to, “go the extra mile”. However, if you are a good temp and succumb to the offer of a full time postion you have a limited, the“window of respect *” to find an alternative employment source.
Once past the window you are effectively “ locked in” and seen as part of the furniture. If the employer has a problem you will become part of the solution, an expendable foot soldier. This might involve you doing extra duties for no financial reward.
The management lingo is “ Going the extra mile”, “getting a feather in the cap”or “demonstrating model employee behaviour”. Effectively you are past the point where you are in a position to bargain, as you have sold your services
. I once worked with a guy who had so many accrued and unrewarded accalaids I called him Cochise (full headdress of feathers). I don’t imply that you should not make an effort but that you should strike a balance, maintain the equilibrium.
*This is generally the period it takes for you to become so ingrained into the organisation that it is not financially viable for you to seek alternative employment.
One of the other team has given us all two Phillips small bayonet energy saving bulbs for home. They are being given out as part of a conservation thingy. One of the team (blond (forgive me lord, I know I am not perfect)) asked what they were for , so I put on to each ear and said it’s a the new idea’s scheme, you put one in each ear and when you have a bright idea they light up. lol
She laughed, so I got away with it.
Ever since I heard Blurs Park life I wondered what they meant by “intimidated by the pigeons”.
Now I know, a ruddy great specimen has just landed on a branch outside my window, turned round and plopped into the courtyard, before flying off.
He must have worked here in a previous life lol.
Alledgeldy it’s going to be a nice day tomorrow, so it’s outside, maybe a Barbie (BBQ not the doll though I could do good impression of ken lol), well see. The importance of getting outside cannot be stressed enough, as indicated in the article Happiness is right outside . The recent inclement weather is enough to make the most cheerful of us feel less than tip top.
Take Care
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Fun, Langauge and Dating
Too tired
You may know the feeling, the I can’t be asked
Well that’s how it was last night. Too tired to go to Cinema but sat and watched the ladies Tennis.
Too enthrawled to let the drooping eyelids close.
So pleased Justine won. Even though have no proof ,feel that Sabrina used gamesmanship in previous match.
Missing all the fun
When I got back from yesterday’s meeting there was a plastic glass of what I thought was cloudy water on my desk.
Naturally I thought one of the team had got a round in and left it for me.
Little did I realise it started out as a glass of pseudo champagne from the team opposite having a celebration of their performance over the past 12 months.
It was only about half hour late, when someone walked by quickly and the resulting draught brought the sweet smell of fruit to my attention, then I realised.
Unfortunately it was too late in day to consume but I appreciated the thoughtfulness of the two (female) officers from the opposite team who thought we should not be left out of the celebrations.
Central Line Derailment
One method for staying cheerful is to appreciate your life and how more fortunate you are than others, on a daily basis.
I can only imagewhat ran through the minds of passenger on this mornings tube. On a more balanced note,the Muslim calling for British troop s to be sent home in body bags has been found guilty of inciting murder.
Second Language
One of the questions in yesterday’s meeting was do I have to use a second language. The Interviewer then went on to comment that in several parts of the country English,is not the primary language.
Lying awake at 6 this morning,a cracking responcse to that comment came to me…….
“innit tho” lol , lol. (o.k. I thought it was funny)
Woody Allen
The American comedian once made a joke that “ self pleasuring is sex with someone you love and you don’t have to take your hand out to dinner afterwards and talk about it’s problems”.
This was over 20 yrs ago and at a time when it was difficult to appreciate the humour without knowledge of American culture. Today we have caught up with American trends and it easier to see what he meant by going out to dinner and talking about problems. As Lihorney testifies in her blog, dating is a minefield, however the addadge is, if you don’t buy a ticket you cannot win the lottery.
The odds of winning the lottery jackpot were once quoted as the same as having aliens land in your back garden.
Holding this to be true and bearing in mind there are alledgedly lottery jackpot winners ( don’t know any) then aliens exist.
What do you think aliens would make of dating? Do you think they have tried it and the experience has put them off ever making contact again?
Perhaps I have read too much Douglas Adams or the team have been sneaking things into my coffee
(pro plus I hope!).
Expect I will visit my Valhalla later , all being well.
If not, I will enjoy the rest and find more reasons to smile at life in general.
Take care & be happy
You may know the feeling, the I can’t be asked
Well that’s how it was last night. Too tired to go to Cinema but sat and watched the ladies Tennis.
Too enthrawled to let the drooping eyelids close.
So pleased Justine won. Even though have no proof ,feel that Sabrina used gamesmanship in previous match.
Missing all the fun
When I got back from yesterday’s meeting there was a plastic glass of what I thought was cloudy water on my desk.
Naturally I thought one of the team had got a round in and left it for me.
Little did I realise it started out as a glass of pseudo champagne from the team opposite having a celebration of their performance over the past 12 months.
It was only about half hour late, when someone walked by quickly and the resulting draught brought the sweet smell of fruit to my attention, then I realised.
Unfortunately it was too late in day to consume but I appreciated the thoughtfulness of the two (female) officers from the opposite team who thought we should not be left out of the celebrations.
Central Line Derailment
One method for staying cheerful is to appreciate your life and how more fortunate you are than others, on a daily basis.
I can only imagewhat ran through the minds of passenger on this mornings tube. On a more balanced note,the Muslim calling for British troop s to be sent home in body bags has been found guilty of inciting murder.
Second Language
One of the questions in yesterday’s meeting was do I have to use a second language. The Interviewer then went on to comment that in several parts of the country English,is not the primary language.
Lying awake at 6 this morning,a cracking responcse to that comment came to me…….
“innit tho” lol , lol. (o.k. I thought it was funny)
Woody Allen
The American comedian once made a joke that “ self pleasuring is sex with someone you love and you don’t have to take your hand out to dinner afterwards and talk about it’s problems”.
This was over 20 yrs ago and at a time when it was difficult to appreciate the humour without knowledge of American culture. Today we have caught up with American trends and it easier to see what he meant by going out to dinner and talking about problems. As Lihorney testifies in her blog, dating is a minefield, however the addadge is, if you don’t buy a ticket you cannot win the lottery.
The odds of winning the lottery jackpot were once quoted as the same as having aliens land in your back garden.
Holding this to be true and bearing in mind there are alledgedly lottery jackpot winners ( don’t know any) then aliens exist.
What do you think aliens would make of dating? Do you think they have tried it and the experience has put them off ever making contact again?
Perhaps I have read too much Douglas Adams or the team have been sneaking things into my coffee
(pro plus I hope!).
Expect I will visit my Valhalla later , all being well.
If not, I will enjoy the rest and find more reasons to smile at life in general.
Take care & be happy
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
It's only Words (&music & comedy)
Today is going to be a busy day, a telephone conference this morning and a meeting lasting most of this afternoon. Should make day go quickly, so not all bad.
It’s my first teleconference, so I feel nervous even though I know it’s no big deal. After all it’s just several people sharing a phone call.
I think it’s the fact that it’s for a big project and the objective is to allocate names to tasks, my job will therefore be to avoid being “delegated” with too much and understanding the who, the why the what and when of it all.
A little nerves is not a bad thing, it means I am thinking about the task even sub consciously.
Post Telecon
Survived intact and quite proud that, although identified to a number of tasks, I seemed to be more assertive than some of the participants from our side. Good job somebody sounds like they know what they are doing. Only the afternoon meeting to go. That’s going to be an important one, it’s about maintaining my status/pay, something called Job Evaluation.
The Gym
Lat nights gym session was good, though I did more aerobic exercise 2km (about 1.25 miles) on cross trainer in 8 minutes mingled in with isometric (weights/machines) excercises. Unfortunately, cos not used to as much aerobic exercise, perspired more than usual . Not an attractive sight but fortunately carry a small towel so others do not have to suffer.
When I was really aerobically fit I could do 30 minutes on a cross trainer and hardly perspire, but then I did no weights so I guess you have to keep mixing it up.
Hot stuff
Is it just me or has anyone else had trouble sleeping the last couple of nights? Despite the weather I have had to have a ceiling fan on to stay cool. I conclude I must be hot stuff lol.
You can’t beat a bit of oral
There’s going to be a new show based on song lyric’s, Sing it Back. Not sure if I’ll watch, but it sounds good.
One of the reasons I like the chillie Peppers (hence blog title) is their use of lyric’s. The twists and turns are so clever.
If ever I was green eyed it’s can use language creatively, be they singers/songwriters, comedians or poet’s.
p.s I do not include sales men, yes they can use language but that is with the intention of permanently depriving us of our hard earned cash.
On the subject of music, if I hear the Hoxtons-Generator one more time I will scream.
Radio one has been playing it everyday, sometimes two or three times and like NYC beats, it’s now getting on me nerves.
Johnny Vegas
Overweight, looks like he never has a shave but he is so… so funny i.e. On The F Word last nigh,t telling Gordon that they have Gordon Ramsey parties where they all sit round and tell each other to F*** Off! Or when playin Mos he said “it’s like having the builders in, you know things have been moved you just can’t tell if any actual work has been done”.
Tonight we might go to cinema, ‘Shrek the third’ looks like it could be the best bet. I might need a goof laf by then.
You will by now have noticed I have taken to using sub headers, it’s to help you skip any boring bits and more importantly, help put very disjointed items on the same page without having to think of a reasonable link to help it flow.
Yes I am lazy, or as I prefer to look at it efficient.
(Objective achieved with minimal effort)
I will leave the subject of quality to those discearing readers who take time to visit.
Once again I thank you for popping in and leaving comments.
Take care
It’s my first teleconference, so I feel nervous even though I know it’s no big deal. After all it’s just several people sharing a phone call.
I think it’s the fact that it’s for a big project and the objective is to allocate names to tasks, my job will therefore be to avoid being “delegated” with too much and understanding the who, the why the what and when of it all.
A little nerves is not a bad thing, it means I am thinking about the task even sub consciously.
Post Telecon
Survived intact and quite proud that, although identified to a number of tasks, I seemed to be more assertive than some of the participants from our side. Good job somebody sounds like they know what they are doing. Only the afternoon meeting to go. That’s going to be an important one, it’s about maintaining my status/pay, something called Job Evaluation.
The Gym
Lat nights gym session was good, though I did more aerobic exercise 2km (about 1.25 miles) on cross trainer in 8 minutes mingled in with isometric (weights/machines) excercises. Unfortunately, cos not used to as much aerobic exercise, perspired more than usual . Not an attractive sight but fortunately carry a small towel so others do not have to suffer.
When I was really aerobically fit I could do 30 minutes on a cross trainer and hardly perspire, but then I did no weights so I guess you have to keep mixing it up.
Hot stuff
Is it just me or has anyone else had trouble sleeping the last couple of nights? Despite the weather I have had to have a ceiling fan on to stay cool. I conclude I must be hot stuff lol.
You can’t beat a bit of oral
There’s going to be a new show based on song lyric’s, Sing it Back. Not sure if I’ll watch, but it sounds good.
One of the reasons I like the chillie Peppers (hence blog title) is their use of lyric’s. The twists and turns are so clever.
If ever I was green eyed it’s can use language creatively, be they singers/songwriters, comedians or poet’s.
p.s I do not include sales men, yes they can use language but that is with the intention of permanently depriving us of our hard earned cash.
On the subject of music, if I hear the Hoxtons-Generator one more time I will scream.
Radio one has been playing it everyday, sometimes two or three times and like NYC beats, it’s now getting on me nerves.
Johnny Vegas
Overweight, looks like he never has a shave but he is so… so funny i.e. On The F Word last nigh,t telling Gordon that they have Gordon Ramsey parties where they all sit round and tell each other to F*** Off! Or when playin Mos he said “it’s like having the builders in, you know things have been moved you just can’t tell if any actual work has been done”.
Tonight we might go to cinema, ‘Shrek the third’ looks like it could be the best bet. I might need a goof laf by then.
You will by now have noticed I have taken to using sub headers, it’s to help you skip any boring bits and more importantly, help put very disjointed items on the same page without having to think of a reasonable link to help it flow.
Yes I am lazy, or as I prefer to look at it efficient.
(Objective achieved with minimal effort)
I will leave the subject of quality to those discearing readers who take time to visit.
Once again I thank you for popping in and leaving comments.
Take care
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