Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Leaving it to the last minute

Us men panic around valentines day, scrambling to buy cards and overpriced flowers to prove our love to our wives, girlfriends or mistresses.
I saw an advert for a major supermarket chain advertising champagne and chocolates for around £30. Thinking to myself, if the wives and girlfriends are watching they will know how much or little has been spent on the items.
What is the point?
Please do not get me wrong I think it is Romantic to buy something nice. It's just the world has gone so commercial that there is no individuality in a lot of the items on offer.
It's a feeling of pressure when you do not have much time to choose a card & gift that is not over priced but is something that will be appreciated and show you care.

Well now I am off to go and get a card...wish me luck as I will no doubt take a long time to pick the wheat form the chaff.

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